Play Quiz YouTube Copyright School Question and Answer 2024


1. As long as I have purchased the content in question, it is not possible for me to infringe copyright.

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Purchasing a copy of any media (such as a song, film or video game) does not necessarily give you the right to upload it to YouTube.

2. Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is _______ without the permission of the copyright owner.

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Copyright protects each of these individual rights

3.The following item(s) may be protected by copyright.

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Copyrighted works include music, photographs, paintings, books, films and videos.

4. Giving credit to the creator in your video's description is enough to prevent copyright infringement from occurring.

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You may need authorisation from the copyright holder in order to third-party content. Mentioning or giving credit does not absolve you of this responsibility.

5. It's possible for music to have more than one copyright owner.

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For example, the copyright to a particular piece of music may be owned by the song writer, the performer, the producer, a record label, a publisher or a combination thereof.

6. In order to determine whether specific copyrighted content is authorised to be used on YouTube, you should upload it to your account and wait for the Content ID system to block any unauthorised content.

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It is your responsibility to know whether you have the right to upload content to YouTube before uploading it.

7. If a video gets removed because of a copyright infringement notification, filing a counter-notification is the only possible way to restore the video.

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You may contact content owners and come to an agreement that they will retract their claim of copyright infringement. If the claimant contacts YouTube directly to retract the claim, YouTube will be able to reinstate video content almost immediately.

8. Copyright infringement is a serious offence and violation of the law may have significant consequences.

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Congratulations! Correct answer.

If you are found liable for copyright infringement, you can face serious legal consequences, including significant financial penalties.


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