नेपाली गाउँ खाने कथा Nepali gaw khane Katha

 नेपाली गाउँ खाने कथा Nepali gaw khane Katha Gau khaane kathaa riddle | bimal physics episode gk

1. न त हागा हुन्छ न त पात, जतिसुकै काटे पनि पलाउने जात , के हाे ?

2. भुइँमा इऊँ इऊँ, टिपी ल्याउनेलाई सय रूपेैयाँ दिऊँ , के हाे ?

3. गाउँ खाने कथा । सेती गाई पानी खान गई, फर्केर आउँदा राती भई, के हाे ?

4– हात खुट्टा केही पनि छैन, जतासुकै जान्छ । बोल्ने मुख नभएपनि गोप्य कुरा खोल्छ । के हाे ?- No hands and no feet, but goes anywhere. Even though there is no mouth to speak, it reveals secrets. what is that?

5– रोगको जरा भएपनि ओठभित्र राख्छन्, रस तितो भएपनि मिठो मानी चाख्छन् । के हो ?- Even if it is the root of the disease, they keep it inside their lips, even if the juice is bitter, they taste it as sweet. what is that ?

6– टाउकोले लेख्ने, पुच्छरले मेटने, के हो?- Writing with the head, erasing with the tail, what is it?

7– एक भाइ नाच्ने, ५ भाइ हेर्ने, ४ भाइ लुक्ने । के हो?- One brother dances, 5 brothers watch, 4 brothers hide. What is it?

8– एक भाइ नाच्ने, ५ भाइ हेर्ने, ४ भाइ लुक्ने । के हो?- One brother dances, 5 brothers watch, 4 brothers hide. What is it?

8– दिनभरि साथ दिने मिलनसार साथी, तर कुन्नी कता लुक्छ जब आउँछ राती । के हो?- A friendly friend who supports you all day long, but where does he hide when night comes. what is it?

9– हाती घोडा उँट खेल्छन् छैन त्यहाँ देश, राजा मन्त्री सिपाहीको हुने गर्छ रेस । के हाे?- Elephants, horses and camels play, but no nation is there. The king, the minister and the soldier, take the race there. What is it?

10– हरियो चरालाई समाइ क्याप्पै, कर्याम कुरुम पार्दा मुख नै रातै । के हो?- A green bird is caught and when we chew it our mouth turns red .

11. – विहान उठी फोहोर फाल्छ, अरुबेला सुतेर टाल्छ । के हो?- Gets up in the morning and throws the waste, rest of times he sleeps and rest. What is it?

12. सफा चीज चाहिदैन फोहोरमा बस्छु, रातभरि आहार खोजी दिनभरि लुक्छु । को हुँ म ? - Don't want clean, for me garbage is right . Hide in day and search food whole night. Who am I ?

13.– झोलामा अटाउने, ढोकामा नअटाउने । ल साथी, के हो त्यो , छिट्टो छिट्टो बताउने ?- Fits inside a plastic but at the door, it doesn't fit. Tell my friends, what is it?

14. गाउँ खाने कथा– सबैलाई चाहिने, मरुभूमिमा नपाइने । के हो ?- Needed by all but in desert, it is not found at all. What is it?

15. मन चोर्ने मायालु राती राती आउछिन्, उज्यालो हुन नपाउदै खै कता भाग्छिन् । के हो ?- The lover who steals the heart comes at night, she runs away before its bright. What is it?

16.– भुँडीभित्र हावा हुँदा उफरी उफरी हिडछ, केही गरे हावा निस्के कच्याक कुचुक हुन्छ । के हो?

- It jumps when its stomach is filled with air, if by any chance the air blew away, it flattens. What is it?

17. – टाउको मुनि थिचिएपनि अइया भन्ने होइन, मालिकलाई आराम दिन कहिल्यै छोडने होइन । के हो?- Even if it is pressed under the head, it does not weep, it will never stop giving comfort when we sleep. What is it?

18.– किन्नेले राख्दैन, राख्नेले किन्दैन । के हो?

- Those who buy do not keep it, those who keep do not buy it. What is it?

19.– आउँछ जान्छ फर्कदैन, कसैलाई पर्खदैन । के हो?

- It comes and goes and does not Return, it does not wait for Anyone. What is it?

20.– कानमा समाइ नाकमा बस्छु, हेर्नै परे आँखै छोपछु । के हो?- I holds the ears by stepping on the nose. I cover your eyes if you have to see. What is it ? 

21.– आगो न पानी, रोटी पकाउने नानी । के हो ?- There is neither fire nor Water. Made bread by grand-daughter. What is it ? 

22.– भित्तामा झुन्डयाउँछन् बर्ष भरि चटारो, वैसाख लाग्दा नलाग्दै फेर्न हतारो । के हो ?- They hang on the wall all YEAR. People hurry to change it even a month is FAR. What is it ? 

23. – छोड छोड बुढी म अघि जान्छु, के हो?- Leave it, old lady, I'll go ahead, what is it?

24. गाउँ खाने कथा– एउटी आमाका बत्तीस छोरा, एक अर्कालाई कुटछन् सधैं मोरा । के हो?- Thirty-two sons of one mother, always beat each other. What is it?

25. – लामो लामो लहरमा फल्ने मिठो फल, खादा भने मुख भरी हुन्छ जलै जल । के हो ?- Sweet fruit that grows in long waves,

When you eat, your mouth is full

 of water. what is it?


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